STREAmS is a high-fidelity solver of compressible Navier-Stokes equations developed to run efficiently in supercomputing environments, with optimal performance on heterogeneous architectures.
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About the software
STREAmS-2 solves the compressible Navier–Stokes equations using finite diference discretization. It is capable of simulating both calorically and thermally perfect gases. The nonlinear terms are evaluated by exploiting a hybrid discretization that switches between central schemes in smooth regions of the flow and shock-capturing schemes for regions with discontinuities. STREAmS-2 supports Cartesian coordinates and has been recently merged with FLEW code solver for generalized curvilinear coordinates across two directions. The solver is oriented toward the simulation of canonical compressible fows under turbulent conditions. Typical Cartesian configurations are the biperiodic planar channel, the spatially evolving boundary layer and the shock–boundary layer interaction. For curvilinear cases curved channels, compression ramps and airfoil simulations are typical problems. The code has been extensively validated, demonstrating excellent agreement with previous studies.
Software details
Starting from version 2, STREAmS has been rewritten with a focus on HPC design. In particular, the code supports different computational backends and the design has been devised to clearly separate code sections specific for the computational backend and generic parts. The latest version of the code supports five computational backends, namely: CPU, OpenMP CPU, GPU via CUDA Fortran, GPU via HIP, GPU via OpenMP-offload. A very good scalability of the code has been verified on current HPC architectures and in particular on multi-GPU ones, including NVIDIA, AMD and Intel GPUs.
Code license
The open-source versions of STREAmS has GPLv3 license. Sharing of the private version can be discussed on a case-by-case basis.
Code URL
Programming language
STREAmS-2 has an open-source version which is publicly available and a private version which is distributed on a case-by-case basis.