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Advanced CFD and Turbulence Modelling targeting HPC


Objective of the training
TThe course will insist on both interlinked aspects betweenadvanced multiphysics and multiscale modelling, and HPC,showing that advanced modelling for some cutting edgeapplications cannot be carried out without HPC capabilities.The path for developing/ optimising a massively parallelmultiphysics and multiscale+HPC software will also be introduced.


Learning outcomes


Referent instructors

Charles Moulinec, Stefano Rolfo, Wei Wang (UKRI-STFC)

Guillaume Houzeaux (BSC)

Yvan Fournier (EDF)


Target participants
This training session is for anyone who has some basic knowledge of CFD. 


Event type



Entry level



Registration and Fee



 Barcelona Supercomputing Center,  Plaça d'Eusebi Güell, 1-3, Les Corts, 08034 Barcelona


Presenters and programme 

Pogramme is available here. 



Barcelona Supercomputing Center