THiPEAC (High Performance, Edge And Cloud computing) is the premier focal point for networking, dissemination, training, and collaboration activities in Europe for researchers, industry, and policy related to computing systems. Today, its network, the biggest of its kind in Europe, numbers over 2,000 specialists.
The HiPEAC 2025 conference will take place in Barcelona, Spain, 20-22th January 2025. Associated workshops, tutorials, special sessions, several large poster session and an industrial exhibition will run in parallel with the conference.
EXCELLERAT project will be presented in the session "Tackling software exascale challenges: the Centres of Excellence in High Performance Computing perspective" on Wednesday, 22th January 2024.
The co-organisation of the two workshops “From Petascale to Exascale and Beyond: the Centres of Excellence Challenge” and “Tackling Software Exascale Challenges: the Centres of Excellence in High-Performance Computing Perspective” will bring together representatives from many different CoEs and other initiatives/projects to talk about their experiences in turning legacy algorithms exascale-ready. Other relevant topics such as ash fallout assessment in the HPC era, streaming scientific applications, mixed precision, co-design or visualization (among many others) also will be addressed. A round table discussion and a demo session will conclude each of the workshops.
These two events represent a remarkable opportunity to exchange best practices and innovative ideas and foster knowledge sharing among CoEs and the HPC community. Talks from early career scientists and scientists from underrepresented groups will be encouraged to promote inclusivity and highlight the work and contributions of e.g. women experts in HPC.
María Arista (BSC), Maria Bartolacelli (CNR-Nano), Elisabetta Boella (E4 COMPUTER ENGINEERING), Marina Corradini (ICN2), Marta García (BSC), María José García (GEO3BCN-CSIC), Daniele Gregori (E4 COMPUTER ENGINEERING), Susana Hernández (HPCNow!), Luisa Neri (CNR-Nano), Elisabeth Ortega (HPCNow!), Lidia Caterina Pellicano (E4 COMPUTER ENGINEERING), Rosa Rodríguez (BSC), Varvara Vedia (GEO3BCN-CSIC)