Programming CFD in OpenFOAM
Advanced course on programming in OpenFOAM with C++. Starting from a brief review of the C++ syntax, the numerical algorithms required to discretize and solve the Navier-Stokes equations will be presented with a particular emphasis on the implementation details by referring to the OpenFOAM source code. Each module will be followed by a hands-on where the learner can familiarize himself with the OpenFOAM source code.
Event type
Training objectives
Improve the programming skills in OpenFOAM and learn more about the code architecture, data structure and algorithm implementation details. An emphasis will be placed on the discretization of the main differential operators (e.g. div, grad, laplacian ...) and on the solution process of a linear system. The learner will be able at the end of the course to add a new implementation or modify the existing one of a differential operator or a solver.
Target Audience
Developers, CFD engineers & researchers, PhD students (in Engineering).
Cineca - Via Magnanelli 6/3 40033 Casalecchio di Reno, Bologna, Italy
CINECA: Simone Bnà, Francesco Bottau, Ettore Fadiga, Giuseppe Giaquinto, Tommaso Zanelli
Entry Fee
This course is free of charge.
Event is organised in the framework of the EXCELLERAT P2 project by partner CINECA.